Cuentenos más acerca de su interés por la Feria del Libro Oregon Book Fair para el 2025.


Te invitamos a unirte a una celebración de voces y talentos.

Un espacio cálido y acogedor para que nuestra comunidad exprese libremente sus ideas a través del arte y la artesanía. Esta es tu oportunidad de compartir y conectarte con un grupo diverso de personas que comparten tus pasiones e intereses.

Nuestra misión

Feria del Libro Oregon Book Fair se dedica a destacar y celebrar la literatura y las diversas voces de artistas y creativos, sirviendo como un puente cultural entre la literatura inglesa y española. Nuestro evento rinde homenaje a los éxitos de la comunidad hispana en Oregón y más allá, honrando su herencia cultural y sus contribuciones.

Nos esforzamos por crear una plataforma que fomente el intercambio cultural, promueva la alfabetización y fomente el amor por la literatura y las artes. A través de atractivas exposiciones, actividades interactivas y participación comunitaria, nuestro objetivo es inspirar la creatividad, celebrar la diversidad y fomentar un sentido de unidad y pertenencia.

Únase a nosotros mientras nos reunimos para celebrar el poder de la narración, abrazar la diversidad cultural y construir conexiones que trasciendan el idioma y las fronteras. En la Feria del Libro de Oregon, se celebra la voz de todos y la historia de todos importa.


¡Entra a la sala de teatro!

Únete a nosotros en la sala del teatro para vivir una experiencia inolvidable con ENLACE Cross-Cultural, donde músicos locales presentarán sus grandes éxitos en vivo. Sumérgete en cautivadoras lecturas en vivo de libros, paneles de discusión que invitan a la reflexión y la proyección de un breve documental que promete inspirar. Además, ¡hay mucho más reservado para ti!


¡Exposición de autores y empresas locales!

Explora las mesas instaladas por empresas locales y las obras de talentosos autores locales que exhibirán y venderán sus libros. ¡No pierdas la oportunidad de conseguir una fotografía personalizada y un libro autografiado que atesorarás para siempre!


¡Únete al Coro de Voces!

Contribuye con tu voz a nuestro espacio acogedor, donde diversas culturas se unen para dar forma al vibrante paisaje de nuestra comunidad. Si eres artista o estás interesado en ser voluntario, ¡estás cordialmente invitado a ser parte de esta celebración inclusiva!

¡Participa en actividades emocionantes!

Explora nuestro calendario para asegurarte de no perderte eventos adaptados a tus pasiones. Desde actuaciones cautivadoras hasta debates esclarecedores, nuestra sala de teatro albergará una variedad de actividades en donde sumergirte. ¡No pierdas la oportunidad de ser parte de la acción!


Juan Antonio Martinez

Juan Antonio Martínez, productor de TV JAM, será nuestro distinguido Maestro de Ceremonias en el Teatro Principal de la Feria del Libro Oregon Book Fair.



Declamación de Poesía: Poemario de Carmen Rojas Larrazábal

Carmen Rojas Larrazábal

Poeta, gestora cultural y antóloga de San Sebastián de los Reyes, Venezuela, posee especializaciones en Literatura inglesa, chicana y afroamericana. Poemas suyos forman parte de la antología Animal Neobarroco, una muestra contemporánea de este estilo, compilada por Luis Manuel Pérez Boitel, Cuba.

1:35 PM

Español / Inglés

Taller: El Arte de la Expresión

Amador Aguilar & Hampton Rodriguez

Transformando nuestro talento y habilidades artísticas en una herramienta para crear nuestras propias oportunidades, representar nuestra identidad, hacer historia, y establecer colaboraciones para impactar positivamente a nuestros niños, jóvenes, familias y la comunidad.

1:50 PM


Declamación de Poesía: "El Sembrador" de Blanco Belmonte

Mitzeline Gonzalez

La poesía es la manifestación de la belleza o del sentimiento estético por medio de la palabra, en verso o en prosa. Cada uno de los géneros en que se dividen las obras literarias son: poesía épica, lírica y dramática.

2:10 PM


Panel: El proceso creativo como filosofía de vida

Hampton Rodriguez, Arturo Sarmiento & Miguel Antonio Guevara Moderator: Paz García

En este panel de discusión, conoceremos a Hampton Rodriguez, Arturo Sarmiento y Miguel Antonio Guevara, figuras locales que han destacado y demostrado que es posible dedicarse a lo que aman y que la constancia y disciplina han dado frutos, convirtiendo su cotidianidad en un estado de creatividad constante.

2:15 PM


Charla: Movetoday365

Russell Rogers

Russell Rogers compartirá la importancia del movimiento en nuestra vida cotidiana: cómo nos afecta, por qué necesitamos movernos y las formas en que podemos hacerlo. Su objetivo es animar a las familias y comunidades a salir y moverse juntas.

2:35 PM


Panel: Entre Letras y Crónicas - Historias de Resiliencia y Amor

Magdianamy Carrillo Sotomayor & Alexandra Farias

Acompáñanos en una inspiradora presentación donde las autoras Magdianamy y Alexandra nos llevarán a través de un viaje de emociones y superación. Magdianamy nos presentará su conmovedora autobiografía "Entre Letras y Cicatrices: Memorias de un Eslabón Perdido", una historia de lucha y resiliencia. Por su parte, Alexandra nos contará sobre su novela "Crónicas de un Amor", una saga que explora el poder del amor a través de generaciones.

2:55 PM


Panel: Proyecto Cultural Migranta

Concepción Samano

Migranta nace como una reunión de mujeres estudiantes y trabajadoras escribiendo sus historias. Desde entonces realiza el taller de escritura creativa Migrantextos, realiza presentaciones de libros, lecturas de poesía, eventos de narración oral, invitación de artistas mexicanos que imparten talleres de teatro, canto y composición.

3:15 PM


Charla: The Writing Life

Dr. Bill Long

Todos afrontamos el mundo de maneras ligeramente diferentes: a través de la música, el atletismo, las relaciones, o el trabajo por ejemplo. A lo largo de los años, uno de mis compañias más preciadas han sido las palabras. En esta charla describiré lo que significa ser un escritor para mí, y cómo me convertí en uno.

3:35 PM


Gratitud y Reconocimiento de Patrocinadores

Lucy Escobar

Tomamos un momento para reconocer y agradecer a todas las personas y organizaciones que hicieron posible La Feria del Libro Oregon Book Fair.

3:55 PM


Premio: Galardón de Impacto Comunitario

Juan Antonio Martinez

Se premiará a un miembro de la comunidad que mediante su esfuerzo y el apoyo que ha ofrecido a un sinfin de personas se ha convertido en una figura importante que merece un reconocimiento especial.

4:15 PM


Premio: Beca Lucy Escobar

Ana Ruiz Morillo

Gracias al generoso patrocinio de Training to Impact LLC., La Feria del Libro Oregon Book Fair ofrece una beca para apoyar los objetivos educativos para un estudiante que comienze su viaje universitario este otoño!

4:25 PM


Premio: Concurso de poesía

Carmen Rojas Larrazábal

El Arco y la Flecha Editores entregará un premio al ganador del concurso de poesía, que consistirá en la publicación de un cuadernillo o colección de poemas como parte de su serie editorial. “Colección Abedules”.

4:35 PM


Clausura: La Feria del Libro Oregon Book Fair

Lucy Escobar

Cerramos con emoción este gran evento. ¡Nos vemos el próximo año!

4:45 PM


Gran Inauguración: La Feria del Libro Oregon Book Fair

Maestros de Ceremonia: Ruth Parra y Juan Antonio Martínez Con la participación de Lucy Escobar, Fundadora de la Feria del Libro Oregon Book Fair; Vivian Ang, Directora Ejecutiva del Centro de Alfabetización Mid-Valley; Andrea Castañeda, Superintendente de las Escuelas Públicas Salem-Keizer; Teresa Alonso León, Ex Representante Estatal de Oregón; y Julie Hoy, Próxima Alcaldesa de la Ciudad de Salem y Miembro del Consejo Municipal de Salem. Música por: ENLACE Cruz-cultural

¡Inauguramos con gran entusiasmo la primera Feria del Libro Oregon Book Fair! Este evento cultural celebra el arte y la literatura de nuestra comunidad. Ruth Parra y Juan Antonio Martínez, nuestros maestros de ceremonias, presentarán a los fundadores de la Feria del Libro Oregon Book Fair, así como a los invitados de honor, para dar inicio a esta gran inauguración.


Español / Inglés

Danza Azteca: Ameyalmazatl Citlaltonal

Maira Ellefson

Compartiremos la cultura ancestral de Anahuak por medio de la danza y canto, con motivo de bendecir el evento abriendo a los cuatro puntos cardinales.

1:25 PM

Panel: Arte en mosaico para la paz

Veronica Aguilar

Proyectos establecidos mediante la participación y colaboración comunitaria incluyen una historia de trabajo en música y poesía con niños para promover la paz en Salem. Estas iniciativas involucran presentaciones musicales y ayuda en la redacción de poemas para un libro. Además, la participación de adultos apoya el proyecto de cosecha de frutas y verduras con Harvest Oregon, y un proyecto para crear un mural de arte en la calle Donald en el vecindario de Northgate.

2:00 PM


Lectura de libro: Superhéroes del planeta

Ana Ruiz Morillo

Inspirada en experiencias de la vida real y basada en el rico tapiz cultural de la República Dominicana y Oregón, EE. UU. Esta cautivadora historia sigue la búsqueda de Valentina para descubrir la fuente de la contaminación del aire que afecta la salud de sus amigos.

2:20 PM


Lectura de libro: Pichi

Lucy Beltran

Esta historia está basada en la experiencia real que vivieron las protagonistas, la cual inspiró el desarrollo del cuento, con la idea de ser una herramienta para padres, maestros o cuidadores de niños que estén pasando por algún tipo de cambio radical en su vida.

2:40 PM


Lectura de libro: Amaya cambia de casa

Mitzeline Gonzalez

Este cuento es inspirado en la historia real que vivió una niña en proceso de duelo al cambiar de casa y mudarse de su lugar de origen. Está dedicado especialmente a las mujeres resilientes y a todos los niños y adultos que deseen abrazar a su niño interior para sanar y brillar.

2:55 PM


Cuenta cuentos: Historias tradicionales

Valentina Ortiz

Historias de las tradiciones indígenas mexicanas. La Madre Tierra, Nonantzin, da origen a muchas maravillas. Su último hijo trae abundancia, los humanos estamos agradecidos. Los pequeños espíritus del agua, Ateteos, son poderosos y llenos de picardía.

3:15 PM

Español / Inglés

Puppet show: “Un niño único y especial”

Mitzeline Gonzalez

Una representación con puppet para niños inspirada en la autenticidad de cada pequeño, resaltando las características que nos hacen especiales y únicos.

3:45 PM


Obra de teatro: "Siempre te querré"

Mitzeline Gonzalez

Basada en el cuento infantil; “Siempre te querré" por Marilee Joy Mayfield, que contiene un tierno mensaje de amor y admiración familiar, así como la celebración perfecta de lazos que unen a las familias.

4:05 PM

Español / Inglés

Lectura de libro: Huehuetlatolli

Nelda Reyes

Programa de artes latinas enriquecedoras y de calidad que promuevan el orgullo cultural y la comprensión intercultural.

4:25 PM

Español / Inglés

Clausura musical: Los Colores de América

ENLACE Cross-cultural

El proyecto musical de ENLACE Cross-Cultural ha integrado durante casi 15 años a jóvenes y adultos en las culturas musicales tradicionales de México, Centro y Sudamérica. A través de la música, educa sobre la diversidad, promueve la identidad cultural y crea conexiones.

4:45 PM


Llena el formulario correspondiente


¡Llamando a todos los autores!

¡Querido autor!
Te extendemos una cordial invitación para que te unas a nosotros como una voz creativa en la Feria del Libro de Oregon. Como evento bilingüe que celebra la literatura de Oregón tanto en español como en inglés, tu presencia sería un honor. Es una oportunidad invaluable para mostrar tu último trabajo, conectarse directamente con nuevos lectores y fomentar conexiones con otros artistas y miembros de la comunidad que comparten su visión y pasión.
Tómate un momento para completar el formulario a continuación con todos los detalles requeridos para que podamos permanecer conectados. Además, te solicitamos amablemente que revises y aceptes los términos y condiciones incluidos en el formulario.
Gracias por considerar unirte a nosotros en esta celebración de la literatura. ¡Esperamos que compartas tus talentos con nuestra comunidad!

¡Voluntario únete nosotros!

Querido Voluntario,
Te damos una cálida bienvenida para que te unas a nosotros para hacer de la Feria del Libro de Oregon un evento extraordinario. Como miembro de nuestro grupo de voluntarios, estarás junto a otros entusiastas de la alfabetización en la celebración de la rica cultura literaria de Oregón. Juntos, aseguraremos que esta feria se convierta en el éxito rotundo que nuestra comunidad merece.
Tómate un momento para completar el formulario a continuación con toda la información necesaria para que podamos permanecer conectados. Además, te solicitamos amablemente revisar y aceptar los términos y condiciones incluidos en el formulario.
Gracias por tu disposición a contribuir a este evento especial. ¡Esperamos tenerte a bordo!

Rincón Infantil

Trae a tus pequeños a nuestra área designada donde podrán sumergirse en lecturas de cuentos encantadores, espectáculos de marionetas y actividades interesantes diseñadas para fomentar el amor por la lectura. Es un espacio único para encender su imaginación, alimentar su curiosidad y crear recuerdos inolvidables que inspirarán una pasión por los libros para toda la vida.

Lista de expositores y autores invitados:

Se anunciará pronto...

Alexandra Farias


Juan Cervantes Morales


Juaquin Reyes Barragan


Arturo Sarmiento


Mike Escobar


Cici Mendoza


Mike Escobar


Leocadia Montero


Concepcion Samano


Adriana Murillo


Luna Flores


Mathew Poteet


Lucy Escobar


Nelda Reyes


Yael Moreno


Rick Saffeels


Valentina Rizo


Amador Aguilar


Maria de los Angeles Muller


Laura Chimaras


Patrocinadores del evento

Patrocinador presentador coanfitrión

Beca Lucy Escobar

¡Emocionante oportunidad de becas para estudiantes universitarios de primer año de otoño de 2024!

¡Estamos encantados de anunciar una oportunidad excepcional para todos los estudiantes del último año de secundaria graduados que comienzan su viaje universitario este otoño! Gracias al generoso patrocinio de Training to Impact LLC (TTI), Feria del Libro ofrece una beca para apoyar sus objetivos educativos.

Esta beca tiene como objetivo aliviar algunas de las cargas financieras de la educación superior. El destinatario también tendrá el honor de expresar su agradecimiento y aspiraciones en la Feria del Libro.

Nota importante: Se invitará al beneficiario de la beca a pronunciar un breve discurso de 1 a 2 minutos en la feria, compartiendo cómo los fondos de la beca afectarán su trayectoria universitaria.

¡Marquen sus calendarios y corran la voz! Empoderemos a los futuros líderes y académicos del mañana. No pierdas esta oportunidad de hacer realidad tus sueños educativos.

Convocatoria de Concurso de Poesía

Participa ahora!

Con motivo de la Feria del Libro Oregon Book Fair, El Arco & La Flecha Editores convoca a participar en un concurso de poesía. El premio consistirá en la edición de una plaqueta o poemario de un máximo de 10 páginas dentro de su “Colección Abedules”.
Todos los fondos de las ventas serán donados a la Feria del Libro Oregon Book Fair.
El diseño de la cubierta será realizado por el distinguido artista plástico Hampton Rodriguez.

Sube tus trabajos.
¡No pierdas esta oportunidad de ver tu poesía publicada!

Galardón Comunitario

En la Feria del Libro Oregon Book Fair, valoramos profundamente a quienes hacen de nuestra comunidad un lugar excepcional. ¿Conoces a alguien cuyo impacto positivo se siente en cada rincón de la ciudad? ¿Alguien que dedica su tiempo y energía a apoyar a nuestros talentos locales y fortalecer nuestros lazos comunitarios?

Es el momento de reconocerlos. Te invitamos a nominar a estos héroes locales para recibir un merecido reconocimiento durante nuestra próxima Feria del Libro el 20 de julio. Ya sea que trabajen detrás de escena o lideren proyectos comunitarios, sus contribuciones merecen ser destacadas.

Juntos, podemos expresar nuestro aprecio y gratitud hacia aquellos que hacen de nuestra comunidad un lugar maravilloso para vivir y crecer. ¡Celebremos a nuestros héroes locales!

Russell Rogers

Russell Rogers worked with kids for 20 years as a personal trainer in baseball and softball and currently runs a landscaping company. In 2020, he pivoted, and stepped away from training and coaching and in 2021 began writing ideas in a journal. Two years later Russell launched five books for families, encouraging them to do activities together outside. In June 2024, he launched the anniversary edition of his book called Today (Baby Steps, My Firsts, Something New, Great Adventures and Here I Go).

Juan Antonio Martínez

TV JAM arises from the performance of its founder Juan Antonio Martínez, who has worked in the last twenty years in the acting and performing arts field, as well as in local programs, digital media such as social networks that currently have the greatest impact on society worldwide and traditional media such as television and radio, which, although they are older media, are still present in people’s lives, generating the necessary impact to continue informing themselves about what is happening around them.

Carmen Rojas Larrazábal

Poet, cultural manager and anthologist from San Sebastián de los Reyes, Venezuela. She has specializations in English, Chicano and African American Literature. In 2010 she created Artepoesía por La Paz in the United States. During 2021, she created El Arco & La Flecha Editores, a publishing house dedicated to poetry. In early 2022, Carmen creates the Sor Juana Inés De la Cruz International Poetry Prize. In April 2023, her organization, ArtePoesía por la Paz, creates the Poetry Festival, La Palabra en Libertad, a virtual poetry space moderated by Daisy Zamora and Carmen Rojas Larrazábal. She has published several poetry collections. Co-anthologist of Three times your shadow, anthology by Raúl Zurita, 2023. Her poems are part of the Animal Neobarroco anthology, a contemporary sample of this style, compiled by Luis Manuel Pérez Boitel, Cuba. Honorary member of the Mexican Writers Association.

Ana Ruiz Morillo

Ana Iris Ruiz Morillo es educadora bilingüe, facilitadora de grupos, fundadora y directora de Training To Impact LLC, una empresa dedicada a empoderar a las comunidades a través de capacitación inclusiva y programas para un cambio positivo. Desde su infancia en su tierra natal, República Dominicana, Ana ha demostrado un compromiso con la empatía, la equidad y la colaboración comunitaria, lo que se refleja en su trabajo con las comunidades más vulnerables. Su dedicación también se refleja en su nuevo libro infantil, Superhéroes del Planeta, un libro bilingüe que leerá a los niños que asistirán a la Feria del Libro de Oregón.

Magdianamy Carrillo Sotomayor, manager of a library in Hillsboro, Oregon, She is a source of inspiration that personifies perseverance and commitment.
From her roots in Puerto Rico to her current position, Magdianamy has built a path of academic achievement and community service, leaving a deep footprint in every step.

Her burning passion for ensuring access equitable access to information and its dedication to diverse and neglected are at the core of her work. Her story is a living testimony how determination can overcome any obstacle and transform lives, inspiring others to follow her example in the search for a better world inclusive and full of opportunities.

Magdianamy has a Bachelor's degree in Social Sciences with a specialization in Labor Relations and a Master's degree in Sciences of the Library of the University of Puerto Rico.

Alexandra Farias is a prominent Dominican author, recognized for her passionate romantic novels and her delicate poetry. With a total of more than four novels to her credit, including her most recent work, "Vino el amor", and three collections of poems, she has conquered the hearts of her readers with her emotional and enveloping style. 

In addition to her writing career, Alexandra is a notary public and plays a key role as logistics coordinator at Wakeup Beaverton. Her professional versatility extends to the real estate market. As a life coach, she inspires others to reach their full potential. She holds two certifications in positive psychology and emotional intelligence, which reinforces her focus on holistic well-being and personal development. 

In her free time, Alexandra channels her creativity as a graphic designer and shares her wisdom and experiences through her podcast "Sueña en Grande." Her multifaceted career and dedication to various areas demonstrate her passion for personal and professional growth.

Hampton Rodriguez was born in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic in 1968. He studied illustration and Fine Arts from 1993 to 1994 at the Altos de Chavon School of Design, an affiliate of the Parson School of Design in New York. He completed several group exhibitions in his home country before moving to Barcelona, Spain, to continue his studies and development as an artist. Not only that, but he studied 2 and 3 Dimensional Design at IJ TTA Design School in Barcelona from 1996 2000. He participated in group and solo exhibitions in Spain, Belgium,
Cuba, and the Dominican Republic during this time. After returning to Santo Domingo briefly, He moved to Portland at the end of 2000. Since then Hampton continues to make art and has had manyother featured public art pieces in different places in Oregon; including Portland, Beaverton, and Hillsboro. He now resides in Portland, OR with an art studio/gallery in SE Portland.

Born in Mexico City.
He completed his professional studies at the Study Center University of Human Sciences, specializing in Literature and Communication.
Subsequently, he studied Journalism at the UNAM and obtained the Federal Radio and Television Announcer License at the General Directorate of Educational Television of the SEP. He has a diploma in Sports Business Administration from the National Sports Commission.
He worked for 20 years at the Mexican Social Security Institute, in the Departments of Finance and Social Communication. He was part of the Morelense Radio and Television System and the ABC Radio station in Mexico City.

Sarmiento has collaborated in different commercial, state and community radio organizations
both in Mexico and in the USA. Arturo has lived in Salem, OR for more than 20 years where the broadcast of the Hispanidades program begins on the KMUZ station. He currently works as Director of Radio Poder 98.3 FM KTUP. He is a member of the Institute of Oregonian Culture with the title of Councilor.

In the literary field, Arturo began writing poetry in his adolescence, participating in several contests in his native Mexico. His poetic training takes place in different workshops directed by the poets Héctor Carreto, Francisco Hernández and Rolando Rosas Galicia. His poems have been published in magazines and newspapers. As a poet he has participated in live readings and radio and television programs. In his journey through Oregonian poetry, he has collaborated with poets from various communities and has actively participated in the dissemination and promotion of poetry in Spanish. In 2017, Sarmiento won second place in the First Oregonian Poetry Contest, sponsored by the Oregonian Culture Institute.

Venezuelan countercultural leader. Thinker, writer, experimental musician, collage artist, researcher, teacher, editor and cultural manager. Development sociologist. Master in Philosophy Latin American. Diploma in Pedagogical Strategies for Innovative Teaching. He is currently studying a PhD in Spanish at the University of Oregon where he teaches Spanish, and next year he will be dedicated to the Graduate Assistant of the Spanish Program as Heritage Language of the School of Global Languages. His most recent publications are the book of essays It's A Selfie World (Monte Ávila Editores Latinoamericana, 2021, Nocaut 2022), the novel Los pájaros prisioneros solo comen alpiste (LP5 Editora, 2020, Los Venenos Fieles, 2021), the compilation of poems Mudable, Antología transitoria 2009 2019 (Ediciones Madriguera, 2020) and the new Mahmud Darwish anda en metro (El Taller White, 2019). Since 2009 he has managed the blog Cuaderno Hipertextual. He has received various recognitions, including the Estímulo a la Creación Literaria en el género ensayo (National Book Center of Venezuela, 2017), the VI National University of Literature Alfredo Armas Alfonzo Award; and the VIII International Mariano Picón Salas Essay Award. He was Head of the National Printing System and Coordinator of Communications at the El perro y la rana Editorial Foundation, as well as Executive Director at Monte Ávila Editores Latinoamericana, thetwo most important public publishers in the Venezuelan Ministry of Culture. He is currently an editor and columnist in the Latin American magazine of criticism and creation. MindKupa. His research investigates the social construction of subjectivity in cultural objects of the 20th and 21st centuries, including concepts, books, music, video games, noise, events, photographs and digital objects. Conduct research around images that capture the search for technological progress, the collapse of this progress, the end of the world and the forms of its rebirth.

Paz García was born in Arandas, Jalisco Mexico to a family of nine. Her heritage is a mix of Spanish and Indiginous origins which are central to her personality and personal interests. As Journalist, she achieved her first collaborations at the age of 18 in a newspaper from Los Altos de Jalisco a region in Central Mexico. Shortly after that she was named Director of Communications for the City of Arandas. She graduated from the University of Guadalajara with a degree in Business Administration and International Business. She immigrated to the United States in 2001. For the first few years she lived in Chicago and Mississippi. In 2003, she moved to Oregon with her daughters and opened a small business where she has since created roots with a network of friends and community which makes her feel at home.
Her career as an actress began at the University Theater in Guadalajara, in the United States she has been part of the staging as producer and actress for over ten years in The Vagina Monologues, a production that creates awareness and promotes the prevention of violence against women.
Currently, she is a collaborator within the Department of Communications for Mano a Mano Family Center. Her work focuses on the dissemination of information about social interest programs for the hispanic community and hosts Mano a Mano Contigo on Radio Poder, a local community radio station.

Garcia is a Mother of two daughters, an entrepreneur, she has collaborated with different organizations as a Health Promoter and in numerous events and cultural, social and educational programs within the Hispanic community for the last eighteen years. In her free time, she enjoys spending time with her daughters, writing, reading, and volunteering. She is passionate about communications, art, music, photography and the simplicity of life. Her main purpose is to see her daughters thrive as happy, beautiful human beings as well as to experience and inspire the art of being grateful, with a deep understanding that gratitude opens doors and infinite possibilities to those who practice it.

Mitzeline González

Mitzeline González is a Primary Teacher, a lover of art and poetry since she was a child, originally from Mexico, she comes from a family of teachers and speakers, whose legacy was a liking for literature, art, education, theater and communication.
She has knowledge in the area of ​clinical psychology, 1 year of Master’s Degree in Education, and 4 years of Bachelor’s Degree in Primary Education, in Sinaloa Mexico, practicing her career in Tijuana BC. She traveled to Oregon, where she married and had two small children. Later she opened a Day Care, called: “La Escuelita de Mitzy”, where in addition to providing care to children, she focuses on guidance and early learning.
She resumed her writing habits again and began the path of literature and culture again.
Amador Aguilar, Mexican immigrant, professional, from the state of Oaxaca in southern Mexico, with higher education in engineering, passionate about education, art, culture and technology. With 27 years of residence in the Northgate neighborhood of Salem Oregon, he founded the ENLACE Cross-Cultural Community Development project, which proposes community development strategies promoting the concepts of mutual respect, integration, equality, multiculturalism and community recognition through education, art, culture and technology to support mostly families from minority groups with greater disadvantages. With more than 30 years of experience he has worked with children, youth, adults and seniors in the Salem Keizer and Gervais school districts. On the other hand, he has contributed to the community by serving as a volunteer in community projects such as the La Paz and Reconciliation community garden, projects of the city of Salem, as well as being an active member of approximately 20 organization committees and leadership groups in the period of residence living in the city of Salem.
Hampton Rodríguez nació en Santo Domingo, República Dominicana en 1968. Estudió ilustración y Bellas Artes de 1993 a 1994 en la Escuela de Diseño Altos de Chavón, filial de la Escuela de Diseño Parson de Nueva York. Realizó varias exposiciones colectivas en su país de origen antes de mudarse a Barcelona, España, para continuar sus estudios y desarrollo como artista. No sólo eso, sino que estudió Diseño Bidimensional y Tridimensional en la Escuela de Diseño IJ TTA de Barcelona entre 1996 y 2000. Participó en exposiciones colectivas e individuales en España, Bélgica, Cuba y República Dominicana durante este tiempo. Después de regresar brevemente a Santo Domingo, se mudó a Portland a fines de 2000. Desde entonces, Hampton continúa haciendo arte y ha presentado muchas otras obras de arte público en diferentes lugares de Oregon; incluidos Portland, Beaverton y Hillsboro. Ahora reside en Portland, OR, con un estudio/galería de arte en el sudeste de Portland.

Concepción Samano

Migranta was born as a meeting of student and working women writing their stories, at the end of 2020. Since then, it has carried out various activities: the Migrantextos creative writing workshop, book presentations, poetry readings, oral storytelling events, invitation of Mexican artists who teach theater, singing and composition workshops, and much more.

Concepción Sámano, director of the project, has lived in Oregon for 10 years, has studies in philosophy, history and theory of art, is a cultural promoter, writes and publishes poetry, teaches literary and emotional management workshops, works as a mentor and counselor for addiction and mental health, she is a volunteer producer at Radio Poder, in addition to having obtained various recognitions for her poetic work.

TV JAM arises from the performance of its founder Juan Antonio Martínez, who has worked in the last twenty years in the acting and performing arts field, as well as in local programs, digital media such as social networks that currently have the greatest impact on society worldwide and traditional media such as television and radio, which, although they are older media, are still present in people's lives, generating the necessary impact to continue informing themselves about what is happening around them.


TV JAM arises from the performance of its founder Juan Antonio Martínez, who has worked in the last twenty years in the acting and performing arts field, as well as in local programs, digital media such as social networks that currently have the greatest impact on society worldwide and traditional media such as television and radio, which, although they are older media, are still present in people's lives, generating the necessary impact to continue informing themselves about what is happening around them.

Dr. Bill Long

Bill Long has been many things in life: a professor of religion and humanities, an
editorial page editor for a major American paper, a pastor, a professor of history, a
litigation attorney and a law professor. The written word, to persuade, entertain and
instruct, has been of paramount importance for him. He has written more than 20
books in many fields over the years. He would love to speak, and listen, to you.

Ana Ruiz Morillo

Ana Iris Ruiz Morillo is a bilingual educator, group facilitator, founder, and director of
Training To Impact LLC, a company dedicated to empowering communities through
inclusive training and programs for positive change. Since her childhood in her homeland,
in the Dominican Republic, Ana has demonstrated a commitment to empathy, equity, and
community collaboration, which is reflected in her work with the most vulnerable
communities. Her dedication is also reflected in her new children’s book, Superhéroes del
Planeta, a bilingual book she will read to children attending the Oregon Book Fair.

Lucy Escobar

Lucy Escobar, mentor and business consultant dedicated to serving the community, focusing on organizations that generate community impact and wealth.

Founder of the Oregon Book Fair, Lucy is the author of “Atrévete a ser una mujer exitosa”, a guide to personal, intellectual, professional and spiritual development. Her next book, “El Arte de La Realización Personal”, will be released on July 20, 2024.

With 20 years in the banking industry and 25 as a business consultant, she co founded the Latino Chamber of Commerce Business Alliance. She has been commissioner of human rights and public relations for the city of Salem, where she was an honorary member. Currently, she is a volunteer director at the Salem Chamber of Commerce.

Danza Azteca - Ameyalmazatl Citlaltonal

We will share the ancestral culture of Anahuak through dance and song, in order to bless the event opening to the four cardinal points.

Verónica Aguilar

Verónica R. Aguilar is a Latina immigrant originally from the state of Oaxaca in southern Mexico, with a deep passion for the arts, including drawing, painting, music, and traditional folk dance.
Since 2005, she has been a co-founder and project coordinator for youth, children, and adults with ENLACE Cross-Cultural Community Development. She has also been actively involved in community committees and projects, such as the Northgate neighborhood association, and has volunteered at her children’s schools and the Salem public library. Additionally, she contributed to the book “Rescue of the Mosaic Mural for Peace” and has participated as an artist in mural projects, including those on Donald Street and the most recent mural at Northgate Park in Salem, Oregon.

Lucy Beltrán

Lucy Beltran, nacida en la Ciudad de México, emigró en 1996 a Oregón USA.

Se ha desempeñado como educadora de padres a nivel regionalpor más de 25 años en diferentes organizaciones, es facilitadora y entrenadora de varios currículos.

Ha presentado a nivel nacional e internacional diferentes talleres en conferencias para padres, recientemente certificada en tanatología y fundadora de BSL Servicios de Desarrollo Familiar como consultora independiente.

Valentina Ortiz

Valentina Ortiz has been on stage since she was 6 years old. She is an actress, a musician and a storyteller. She takes her stories to schools, parks, theaters and festivals in Mexico, the US, different parts of Asia and Latin America. She has published 5 books and produced 4 records with her original stories and music.

Since 2017, she is the founder and director of Zazanilli Cuentos A.C., Mexican nonprofit that takes storytelling and music to underprivileged communities. She now deeply enjoys multilingual storytelling, Spanish, Nahuatl, English, French. Since 2023, she is the recipient of the Mexican Government three year grant, Creadores Escénicos.

Nelda Reyes

Nelda Reyes, originally from Mexico City, is a prominent artist and educator specializing in physical theater and Latin American and Mexican cultural expressions. With vast experience in crafts, language, folk dance and music from Mexico, Spain and the Caribbean, Nelda has co-created Leyendas de México, an educational tourism program based on pre-Columbian tales, and is the founder of Nuestro Canto, a group dedicated to the preservation of Mexican art and culture through artistic education.

Since 2008, Nelda has facilitated workshops and collaborated with libraries, schools and universities in the Pacific Northwest. Her background includes studies at Harvard University’s Moscow Art Theater Institute and a Master’s Degree in Theater from Portland State University.